Software List
some cool stuff you can try outsoftware minimalist starter pack
light, extensible, and (mostly) terminal based
Arch Linux / Void Linux - daily driver machines
dwm - suckless window manager; literal software perfection
dwmblocks - status bar
st - suckless terminal emulator
dmenu - application launcher and general purpose menu goodness
slock - suckless screen lock
bash - i don't run zsh since i like gnu readline a lot (also it's installed like everywhere)
vim / neovim - vim for general text editing and neovim for it's lsp when working on bigger projects
brave - web browser (chrome based, also comes with builtin ad-blocker), i try to keep extensions to minimum running only vimium and dark reader
qutebrowser - minimal and highly customizable browser with vi keys
zathura - pdf reader (doesn't read from Xresources for some reason so it's a bit annoying to customize; I made a blog post)
sxiv - image viewer
mpv - video player (can also play videos from urls); also can invert video (so you can watch lectures without eyes bleeding)
newsboat - rss reader
lf - file manager (this is basically ranger but not written in python), i don't actually use visual file explorers very much :P
btpd - bittorrent daemon
taskell - todo list with vim keys; however, it's written in haskell with 10000000 dependencies
sxhkd - hotkey daemon
productive soydev starter pack
software here has shifted focus from simplicity to productivity
PopOS - decided to try a DE for once, having some performance issues but that might just be my fault
emacs - pretty great as an IDE, i use evil-mode since i'm still a vim fanboy
nushell - modern take on a shell that features structured data
bat/exa/ripgrep/delta/fd - rustification of common shell utilities, i used to think that rewriting everything in rust was cringe but i enjoy the modern features now